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Program Evaluation

Trailblazers in Opera Program Evaluation

Please take a few minutes to evaluate Opera Theatre of Saint Louis’ Trailblazers in Opera lesson series.

Teacher Name(Required)
Trailblazer(s) studied(Required)

Please rate the overall program

How would you rate the usefulness of the program information?(Required)
1 = Not at all useful – 5 = Useful
Rate how much this program met your expectations.(Required)
1 = Didn't meet my expectations at all – 5 = Fully met expectations
Would you like more programs like this?
Would you recommend this program to a colleague?

Tell us about the impact the program has had or will have on your students and teaching.

How was this program received by your students?(Required)
1 = Negatively 3 = Not particularly positively or negatively 5 = Positively
Rate how much this program supported your teaching.(Required)
1 = Didn't support at all 5 = Very much supported
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.